Episode 04: "I will insure myself against old age regret” with Doron Davidson, Intellectual Property Lawyer to Actor and more..

 Do you have a niggling voice telling you that there’s more out there for you? How can you insure yourself against old age regret, so that you’re not left wondering what if!

Doron Davidson shows us that if you’re willing to listen to that voice, you might discover that there’s a career out there for you that is a perfect fit - something you may not even know exists yet.

Like host Alicia Sutton, Doron Davidson was a lawyer who had another dream. Disillusioned and scrolling the internet, Doron followed the nudge to take a chance in life. He left his job as an intellectual property lawyer to move cities and go to acting school. This is a candid conversation about making courageous choices, navigating self-doubt, disrupting family expectations and finding peace with being multi-passionate.

Continuing to pursue his passions, Doron now works as an actor, a corporate trainer, a podcaster and who knows what will be next..


Episode 03: "I'd Never Trusted Myself" with Katie Sroka, From Marketer to Energy Healer