Communication is the lifeblood of the best relationships and career you’ll ever have.
You’re not quite getting the career lift-off you desire
There’s some recurring challenges with communication that keep stopping you in your tracks. You realise you might be part of the problem, but which part and what to do about it?
You know you’ve got the goods, if only you could shake off those remnants of being cautious and analytical. You’re ready now to be more visible, expand your credibility, elevate your authority, impact and income.
“communication is the real work of leadership”
— Nitin Nohria, Former Dean of Harvard Business School
“Having now worked on and off with Alicia for more than four years, I credit her with making me a more thoughtful, empathetic, and purposeful manager and colleague. I have used the tools she provided on a regular basis (e.g. giving feedback) and passed those tools on to my staff. As a result of our work together, I would recommend coaching to anyone and she has subsequently helped me connect some of my senior staff with the right coaches for them.
I would recommend working with Alicia without hesitation or reservation. I am deeply grateful to have stumbled upon her and look forward to continuing to work with her when possible for many years to come.”
~ Faith Rose, Chief Strategy Officer
you’re smart enough, capable enough AND experienced enough so why does it feel this hard?
what if I don’t have what it takes?
A senior leader recommended me for this new position but now seems to undermine me. I don’t know if this is all their stuff, or if they’ve lost faith in me. I’m willing to change my approach, but I don’t know what to do differently. I can’t afford a crisis of confidence.
What’s wrong with my delegation?
After years of dedication I was excited to get a senior role but it’s not going to plan. Everything I delegate comes back a mess. They think I’ll just fix everything when it lands on my desk! It’s not sustainable. What am I missing? Am I too nice? I take so much time to give these Associates the kind of instruction I wish I had, and yet it’s not paying off.
Why don’t they get the message?
I keep giving the same piece of feedback and nothing changes. Where am I going wrong? Either they don’t grasp the gravity, or I’m just not being clear. I need to get this sorted but we just go around in circles. It’s exhausting and I’m spending way too much time on it.
i got difficult feedback and can’t shake it off
I’m so used to doing well in my career, that this piece of difficult feedback has really thrown me. I felt defensive, and wished I’d asked more questions and taken time to reflect. There are some things I could have done differently but I was also operating with very little support. How do I share my perspective without appearing defensive?
— Tim Ferriss
how do I assert myself without overstepping?
Managing Egos
My colleague and I used to get on well, but we went for the same role and I was successful. Now they’re being dismissive in front of others. I need to deal with it without escalating the problem. How do I influence them to get on board?
They need to respect my authority
I need the Consultant’s buy-in for my research, but they never show up for our meetings. It’s so frustrating. I feel disrespected and I’m being scrutinised for being behind schedule. If I fail, it could be career-ending. How do I get them to take me seriously?
How Can I upward manage without fallout?
I want to tell one of the Partners that I need more talk-time in client meetings. We get on really well, and I don’t want to seem unappreciative of their support. I’m under pressure to raise my credibility. How do I step-up without impacting my relationships?
Too nice for my own good?
I wish I could do my job without dealing with unreasonable client demands. I spend more time managing egos than doing the actual work. I can’t keep going like this. How do I get them to respect me, rather than fire me?
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
— George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize-winning playwright
what do they have that I don’t?
I want more money (but don’t want to ask)
I want better money. But I can see the conversation playing out. They’ll placate me, I’ll back down and leave disappointed. I might be better looking elsewhere but that comes with its own complications. I’m tired of having to prove my worth.
No one knows what I do
I’ve had my head down working for years. I haven’t focused on reputation and relationships and It feels too late to start. Where would I even begin? I wish I had a mentor. Maybe I don’t have the right personality to be an industry leader.
hate to self promote
I need to pitch for Partnership but it feels so awkward! I know I need to be charismatic and tell great stories. But when the moment arises, I go into robot mode and just want the ground to swallow me. How can I stop getting triggered?
Too proud to schmooze
I’d rather stick pins in my eye than attend another networking event. One of my colleague’s has the “it factor”. Others light up around her. I’m just in the corner feeling flushed and paranoid. But I can’t go on like this without creating some more business. How can I raise my profile in a way that feels easy?
the 1 thing you need to knoW:
communication is not personality based
communication is strategy and skills
The Three Pillars You Need to Master
You need to become a trusted authority in your workplace or industry.
You need to be able to make an impact any time you speak.
You need to be able to powerfully influence people to say yes.
With authority, impact and influence you can
Choose your own projects, clients and opportunities
Command the hours you want to work
Be paid commensurate with your expertise
Surround yourself with the kind of people you want to work with
Turn your true potential into lived reality
Experience the relationships and career of your dreams
Common Concerns:
YES, you can:
Be assertive and kind
Authoritative and heart centred
Great at your job and great with people
NO, you don’t:
Need to be pushy or desperate
Need a personality transplant, you need new skills.
Have to try and “win” your conversations
THis is What I Help People Do
With my 1-1 Communication Mastery Executive Coaching Programme
3 Months of One-To-One Individual Support
90-Minute Virtual Sessions, 2x per month
Unlimited Access
Over email (written exchange) or Voxer (voicenote exchange) for questions, and conversation/presentation planning, as well as support and celebration!
this is what we work on together..
I was coaching a senior Global Law Firm Partner and I gave him some positive feedback. He slowly lifted his head from the desk, stared me straight in the eye and said “no one’s ever told me that before”. Decades of experience, and he was completely oblivious to one of his greatest strengths.
harness Your zone of Genius
Even for the most self-aware, there’s a disconnect in how we experience ourselves, vs how we’re experienced by others. You have a unique style of communication that you can harness to amplify your influence with ease. Gain strategies for your individual strengths, as well as your areas for development. Understand exactly how you come across and where you might have been getting in your own way.
2. tame your Triggers
Most of the time, you’re totally fine, but there’s a few scenarios that activate you. Sometimes you can’t predict when you’ll lose your nerve. Once you know the origin story of your emotional hotspots, they never impact you the same way again. You gain tools specific to your personal triggers. You access the capacity to communicate confidently and consistently because you can fully trust yourself.
3. Accessing your AUTHenticity & perceptiveness
When presenting ourselves, we try to prove our worth, say the right thing, hold our hands in the correct way. We’re full of angst and self-consciousness. It’s painful to experience and painful to witness. This is not the real work. Instead of contorting ourselves into something we believe is impactful (exhausting!) you become adept at two powerful practices: perceptiveness and authenticity.
Then everything else, all the little tips and tricks, flow effortlessly and with very little conscious thought.
Relational intelligence is where it’s at.
And yes, all of this helps in your other relationships too.
It’s the lifelong gift, that gives to every area of your life.
bonuses in working with me
Strategic Meetings Guide - Discover the essential questions every leader must ask in every meeting to ensure you meet your objectives, win the work and build lasting relationships.
Plan your Critical Conversation PDF - Your pdf guide to plan a critical conversation in just 10 minutes. Where could your career be in 6 months if you stopped wasting time over-analysing your most critical conversations?
LinkedIn Audit - Audit of your LinkedIn (or CV) to elevate your authority and impact.
Leadership & Life Resource Guide - A resource list compiled over 10 years of corporate training and personal development to save you time finding answers to your leadership / communication / mindset questions, as well as bonus recommendations for health, spirituality and love.
Presentation Power Pack Audios - Short audio recordings to guide you before your next high stakes communication (presentation/pitch/interview etc), so you can reduce cortisol and calm your nervous system in as little as 2 minutes.
why i’m uniquely placed to help
I’ve been a Media Lawyer, as well as a Professional Actress, so I know human dynamics and self-expression, as well as effective conflict and client management.
Qualified Executive Coach with the Academy of Executive Coaching, London.
10 years as Communications Consultant and Corporate Trainer for over 50 Global professional service firms and companies (including Google, Mastercard, Nestle, and top 10 Global Law Firms (by revenue) Allen & Overy Shearman, Baker McKenzie, White & Case).
300+ Corporate Training Programmes Delivered globally.
what you walk away with..
Influence and Impact - Establishing credibility, building authority, presence and impact.
Business Development with Consultative Selling - Business development conversations, networking, consultative selling and cross-selling with ease.
Leadership Expertise - Effective delegation, high performance feedback, appraisals, performance management and upward management.
Powerful Pitching and Presenting - Leading meetings, presentations, delivering a message, influence and impact.
Trust and Credibility - Develop credibility and restore trust in any professional relationship.
Your Unique Selling Point (USP) - Hone your unique selling point so you can articulate your value.
Your Elevator Pitch - Authentic expression of expertise with variations for in/outside your industry, colleagues vs clients.
Aptitude for Assertiveness - Stand your ground assertively, distinct from being passive or aggressive.
Slay your Saboteurs - Tools to hush your inner critic and calm your nervous system so you can navigate the career uplift and don’t back down or shrink back.